Eye Examinations: The First Step Towards Early Prevention of Eye Diseases.
Prevention is the best therapy of all. You should undergo an eye examination every year to prevent any eye conditions.
At our center, Aquaclinic, we offer you the opportunity to undergo various visual examinations.
Discover the examinations that Aquavision offers:
Basic Visual Examination
- Anámnesis
- Autorrefracción
- Control de agudeza visual con foróptero en 3D
- Subjetivo
- DIP (distancia interpupilar)
Premium Visual Examination
Basic Visual Examination more:
- Queratometría
- Topografía
- Tonometría
- Examen de la percepción del color
- Motilidad Ocular
- Reacción Pupilar
- Cover Test
- Maniobra de Bielschowsky
Premium Visual Examination PLUS
Premium Visual Examination more:
- Biomicroscopía
- Confrontación de campos
- Rejilla de Amsler
- Retinografía
- Estudio de la lágrima
Sólo 90 €
Explore more about our annual plans:
Annual contact lenses plan
Available for both daily and monthly contact lenses. Forget about everything: we'll remind you of check-ups, and you can have your contact lenses delivered to your doorstep.
Annual Ortho-K lenses plan
Perfect for getting rid of glasses and contact lenses. We provide you with lenses and maintenance products, along with regular check-ups.
MiYoSmart annual children's plan
Innovative myopia lens treatment that will significantly enhance your daily life. The plan includes lenses and check-ups.
MiSight annual children's plan
Daily disposable contact lenses with a patented dual-focus design, highly recommended for myopia control in children and teenagers.
Contact us
You have doubts?
Opening hours
Monday to Friday:
Mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Afternoons from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Come to see us
Clínica Aquaclinic: Óptica Aquavision
Edificio Acuarium III, Local 25
Av.Juan Fuster Zaragoza, 1
03503 – Benidorm