Contact lens fitting for all types of eyes
Just like glasses, contact lenses correct vision problems caused by refractive errors. Refractive errors are vision problems that occur when the shape of the eye, the shape of the cornea, or aging of the lens prevent the eye from focusing properly, resulting in a blurry or distorted image.
Contact lenses can improve the vision of individuals who have the following issues:
– Myopia (nearsightedness – poor distance vision)
– Hyperopia (farsightedness – poor close and distant vision)
– Astigmatism (distorted vision)
– Presbyopia (changes in near vision that typically occur with age).
More and more people are choosing contact lenses as a corrective method for their vision. Glasses can’t compete with the convenience that contact lenses provide. The truth is that this invention has evolved significantly, and now we can differentiate between various types of contact lenses, each more suitable for different types of users.
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Discover which type of lens suits you best.
We can classify them according to their material:
Most people prefer using soft contact lenses as they are usually more comfortable, easy to put on, fit well on the eye, are flexible, and offer many options.
This type of lens requires more care.
They are smaller, harder, and less flexible. Semi-rigid lenses are advisable for those who naturally produce less tear fluid since they don’t have water among their components and don’t absorb it, thus not drying out the eye. They become a therapeutic option for patients with dry eyes and those with high astigmatism. This type of lens reduces the likelihood of developing conjunctivitis.
The use of this type of lens can extend for up to 6 months or even years, requiring an adaptation period. Among this type of contact lens, the most common is gas-permeable rigid contact lens.
These lenses are particularly helpful for people with astigmatism and a condition called keratoconus. This is because they provide sharper vision than soft lenses when the cornea has an irregular curvature.
People with allergies or who tend to accumulate protein deposits on their lenses may also prefer RGP lenses.
We can classify them according to the refractive errors they correct:
These types of lenses are specific: they correct a single refractive problem, although they can be applied to any type of refractive error, including myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia, or presbyopia.
These types of lenses are usually specifically designed to correct presbyopia or “tired eyes.” They have multiple prescriptions within the same lens, allowing for clear vision both up close and at a distance.
These types of lenses are primarily used to correct astigmatism and have very specific characteristics. They have a particular curvature tailored to each eye, as well as a specific orientation, so they must remain in the correct position on the eye.
In fact, their manufacturing is complex and personalized, as is their adaptation process.
Discover which type of lens suits you best.
Discover which type of lens suits you best.
We can classify them according to their usage:
Easy to maintain, as they don’t require any additional solutions, they come in individual cases and should be discarded at the end of the day.
This is the most hygienic option, highly recommended by ophthalmologists in general. They are especially suitable for people with an active lifestyle who don’t have sufficient time for proper maintenance.
With a recommended usage of one pair of lenses every two weeks (bi-weekly) or one month (monthly), it’s necessary to discard them and use new ones. Prolonged use of the same lenses beyond the prescribed time increases the risk of infections.
They should be stored and cared for with proper cleaning and solution. Sleeping with them on is not recommended.
The use of this type of lens can be extended continuously for days or weeks, depending on the model and ophthalmologist’s prescription.
The risk of contracting eye infections, due to being able to sleep with them on, makes them less commonly recommended.
The use of these types of lenses is purely cosmetic. They can change the eye color, even with shape effects. Although they are available with or without prescription, it’s important to consult your ophthalmologist so that, after an eye examination, they can recommend whether or not their use is suitable.
Book your appointment TODAY.
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Explore more about our annual plans:
Annual contact lenses plan
Available for both daily and monthly contact lenses. Forget about everything: we'll remind you of check-ups, and you can have your contact lenses delivered to your doorstep.
Annual Ortho-K lenses plan
Perfect for getting rid of glasses and contact lenses. We provide you with lenses and maintenance products, along with regular check-ups.
MiYoSmart annual children's plan
Innovative myopia lens treatment that will significantly enhance your daily life. The plan includes lenses and check-ups.
MiSight annual children's plan
Daily disposable contact lenses with a patented dual-focus design, highly recommended for myopia control in children and teenagers.
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Opening hours
Monday to Friday:
Mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Afternoons from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Come to see us
Clínica Aquaclinic: Óptica Aquavision
Edificio Acuarium III, Local 25
Av.Juan Fuster Zaragoza, 1
03503 – Benidorm